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What' Anion?

Anion is an atomic element of negatively charged air particle. We feel fresh in the forest or hot spring that is abundant in anion. An atom becomes anion when losing electron, whereas it becomes a positive ion when acquiring electron. Anion promotes cellular metabolism, increases vitality and appetite, purifies blood and soothes one's nerve, and is called "vitamin in the air". There are 500,000ea/cu.m, hot spring, waterfall and seashore.

When we enter a place that is abundant in anion, we feel fresh as if: We walk outdoors after a storm passed off, We stand in front of a waterfall, or We are in the pine tree wood.

What does Anion do?

Anion is an atomic element of negatively charged air particle. We feel fresh in the forest or hot spring that is abundant in anion. An atom becomes anion when losing electron, whereas it becomes a positive ion when acquiring electron. It is known that the proportion of anions to positive ions is approximately 1 to 1.2 in the pure stable air. The study conducted by Dr.Krueger at Berkeley University in California, USA, Dr. Sulman at Hebrew University in Jerusalem and Dr. Moor at Mingum University shows the followings: When anions exist abundant in air exceeding 1000ea per 1cc of air, alpha wave activates in one's brain to release anxiety and tension that are the main cause of asthma and migraine. It controls secretion of serotonin and free histamine to promote mental activity and release tension. The amount of anions existing in the air has significant influence on one's health and healing effect.

1. Purification of blood
Anion increases the ratio of mineral ingredient in blood including calcium, sodium and potassium, and purifies blood through alkalinization.

2. Activation of cells
When the number of anions increases in blood, electric exchange of substances promotes in the cellular membrane. This alkalinizes and purifies blood.

3. Promotion of immunity
When the number of anions increases in blood, the amount of gamma globulin also increases in blood. This enhances immunity against infection. That's why anion therapy has a very effective healing effect.

4. Control of autonomic nerve system
Anion controls autonomic nerve system in a beneficial manner for our body in reaction to the conditionsof our blood system and internal organ, and helps us think and feel in a positive manner. Anion vivifiesthe entire body systems including

* Harmful effect of positive ion
If environment is seriously polluted, the normal proportion of anions to positive ions is destructed.
Positive ions overwhelm anions. The ionized air particulates rapidly collide against each other under
the law of Brown motion to create large particles that have no biological activity. The number of anions
decreases remarkably in such a large particles to further deteriorate the symptoms of headache
and tension.

Anion and Health

1. A real picture of anion
Development of civilization has caused geometrical increase in the quantity of harmful electromagnetic
wave, automobiles, smoke, pollution, dust and allergic antigen. The density of anion in oxygen has
decreased down to 500/cu.m or less in the metropolitan area.
Two thousand(2,000) to four thousand(4,000) anions are naturally generated per 1 cu.m of air in the
However, there are several hundreds of anions or less per 1cu.m of indoor air due to air pollution.
Fresh air is abundant in anion and has a positive effect on the nervous message delivery matter, an
emotional medium that recovers one's temper to emit alpha wave.
2. Measured number of anions
In nature: 2,000 - 4,000 anoins/cu.m
Yosemiti waterfall, USA: 100,000 anoins/cu.m or more
LA expressway, USA: 100 anoins/cu.m or less during peak traffic hours
Rainbow Fall in Yangsan, Korea: 30,000 - 120,000 ea/cu.m(1995)
Mt. Kumjung in Busan, Korea: 500,000 ea/cu.m or less(1995)
3. A result of study on the effect that anion and positive ion have on human body

Clinical Reports

Following is an translation of a clinical report sent by a physician at the Municipal Children Health Center in Russia.

Municipal Children Health Center
-case study on the performance of Chungpung air cleaner
by a pediatrician.

Twenty five child aged between 2 and 5 were involved in this study. They suffered from the following
- Bronchoasthma: 10
- Nervous asthma: 2
- Cold: 10
- Influenza: 3

It required 5 to 9 days to treat broncho-asthma patients. It required 9 days to treat nervous asthma
patients. It required 2 to 5 days to treat cold patient. The result is as follows:
Broncho-asthma was effectively treated during the 1st day. The symptom of broncho-asthma
disappeared the next day. There was no change in the skin of nervous asthma patients. They slept well.
Cold was also effectively treated. Cold patients recovered promptly the next day.

The activity, emotion, appetite and sleeping conditions of cold patients were improved. They positively
responded to the ionic therapy.
Chungpung air cleaner greatly helps purify the air at home, school, house, hospital and public buildings,
and is very effective in preventing and treating asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, allergy, and respiratory
disease. In addition to the above-described benefits,
Chungpung air cleaner helps improve efficiency of work as well as emotion, appetite, and sleeping conditions.

Following is an translation of a clinical report sent by the Kurgan Scientific Research Center(KSCRC) "HELIOS" in Kurgan, Russia

- Address: 88.Sovietskaya Street, 640000, Russia
- Telephone: 7(352)222 1628

Several generators were tested at an institute under the KSCRC.
One was manufactured in Russia, whereas others were manufactured in other countries. The purpose of the KSCRS is to test environmental equipment and distribute report of survey/test. In conclusion, we decided that Chungpung air cleaner is the best one.

We tested Chungpung CP-10(Greenara) in February 2000, and the result was positive.
We conducted a test to inject oxygen ion to barley and wheat seeds in January and February 2000.
The Kurgan Seed Research Institute checked the budding ratio of the seeds. The wheat seeds to which oxygen ions were injected showed budding ratio 5 to 15% higher than the ordinary seed. The budding
energy increased variously by 40% to 100%.

The result is similar for the barley seeds to which oxygen ions were injected. Budding ratio and energy increased 5 to 10% and 15% or more, respectively. Based on this test result, KSCRC proposed Chungpung Co., Ltd. to establish a joint venture company in Kurgan in order to introduce Chungpung products for the positive development of medical and agricultural industry and for improving the lifestyle of people. They plan to use Chungpung product to investigate the ecological issue in the Uralic and Siberian area.

Serrey V. Melnikov
Senior manager
Kurgan Scientific Research Center

TEL: 82-1688-5648 FAX: 82-0504-134-7967 E-mai: chungpung-mugu@daum.net  All contents copyright(c) 2009 Chungpung Co. Ltd. All rights reserved